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bind的用法 1、生成新的函数 2、若生成的新函数作为构造函数,那么根传入的对象没有任何关系 3、可以作为偏函数使用
if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function(that) { if (typeof this === 'function') { throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable') } var args =,1); var fToBind = this; var fNop = function(){}; // 返回的Fbind作为new的构造函数时,生成的新对象作为this传入Fbind,新对象的__proto__就是fNop的实例 var Fbind = function() { args = args.concat(; return fToBind.apply(this instanceof Fbind ? this : that, args); } // 维持原型链 if (this.prototype) { fNop.prototype = this.prototype; } Fbind.prototype = new fNop(); return Fbind; } }
call实现 = function(that) { if (typeof this !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(' not a function'); } var args = [...arguments].slice(1); that.fn = this; var result = that.fn(...args); Reflect.deleteProperty(that, 'fn'); return result; }
Function.proptotype.apply = function() { if (typeof this !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.apply-----is not a function'); } that.fn = this; var result = arguments[1] ? that.fn(...arguments[1]) : that.fn(); Reflect.deleteProperty(that, 'fn'); return result; }